How can I revert to the font used in SuperMemo from before a Microsoft update??

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From: Josh Hale
Sent: Mar 27, 2007, 13:00:45
Subject: Kanji font change query

I am using Supermemo 2004 to learn Japanese kanji. A few months ago the font used to display kanji in Supermemo changed. I think it was the result of an update from Microsoft.

Anyway, can you tell me how I can change the font because it seems to have changed to a non-standard Chinese kanji font which is slightly different from standard Japanese. I made my own questions and imported them from a text file, so that an example kanji question file looks like this in my collection:

<p><font size =8>翫</font></p>


To diagnose such cases, you need to provide more information. On the face of it, it might be just IE changing its default font, which you can easily change in IE options. See: for all possible variants. If this information is not enough (or unclear), come back to this entry and add more details.