Unruly rectangles in occlusion tests

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Problem with graphic deletion tests

When you scale the element window with occlusion rectangles, they will often move relatively to the covered part of the picture. Changing your layout could then ruin your occlusion tests. As the rectangle is element-specific (not template-specific), it cannot be corrected by modifying template.

Hermetic solution

Make sure that:

  1. picture is full stretched (Image : Display : Fill) - if it is distorted, modify the size of the image component (option on the component menu, e.g. available with the right click over the picture)
  2. the template/element is Scaled (option on the element menu, e.g. available with the right click on the navigation bar)

With those two, all scaling of the image and the template/element will ensure the same relative position of the rectangle in reference to the picture.

Persistent problem in the older Supermemo 15

If this problem persists in Supermemo 15 despite the hermetic solution given, disable and immediately enable the Scaled option in the Element menu. If it still doesn't solves the problem, reselect Image : Display : Fill then disable and enable Scaled again. This always fixes it for me.

I could not find the problem in Supermemo 16 light, so it seems this was fixed in later versions.

See also