Undeletable registry member

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I found a text registry member that is not used anywhere in the collection, but is still in the registry and I cannot delete it. The problem is that when I go to the member with Ctrl+G, SuperMemo 2006 aborts without any warning or shutdown. It just disappears. I have hundreds of files in the registry, but this one is totally unusable. How can I get rid of this member?


  • If you know which file it is that causes problems, send it to bug(AT)supermemo.com. If you do not know which file it is, only its number, send the entire collection to the same address. It is possible that the file contains some malicious code that aborts Internet Explorer and even SuperMemo itself.
  • Used members can be removed by deleting their elements
  • Unused members can be removed with remove unused (all unused members will be removed)
  • File : Repair collection might remove that member if it exists due to errors in registration

More Hints

  • indeed, the file contains code that is able to abort SuperMemo. This will need to be addressed in future version.
  • you can search for the file containing this code, delete the code, and return to SuperMemo. You can delete the problematic member from the registry

The abortive code



The file you have imported smuggled a Java applet that appeared able to crash SuperMemo. Such applet should normally be filtered at import for security reasons; however, SuperMemo also makes it possible to import intact HTML code, e.g. user-written code for handling elements in SuperMemo. Once an abortive code is included in the collection, it may be difficult to remove it if it is able to crash SuperMemo.

In your case, you can search the elements folder for HTML files that include the tag APPLET, and remove all APPLET code from the file. You can then safely delete the problematic member in SuperMemo.