SuperMemo Inserting Study Data even when it is off

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Initially, I thought my mind was playing tricks.

But now, I can confirm that this is indeed an issue. It might even be related to a previous bug that I reported a while back:

So, I noticed that when I soft shut down my computer with SuperMemo still running, SuperMemo would occassionally insert study data on the Sleep Chart timeline. These are usually very small (no more than 4 minutes in length).

How do I know that this data was automatically inserted and that I have not accidently switched on SuperMemo? Well, they are inserted in the middle of the night (1 AM, 2 AM, 3 AM, 4 AM etc) when I am sleeping...

I detected this issue by running the Block Overlaps functionality in Sleep Chart.

I diligently track my sleep, so the chance that this was a mistake on my part is quite small :)

Harvey R. 18:57, 27 June 2024 (UTC)

An example of a Block Overlaps report

                                                                                    | My comments
Minor overlap by 4 minute(s) on Day=8883: From Apr 26, 2024, 03:11:15 to 03:15:28   | ------> I slept at around 02:40
Minutes: 4                                                                          |
Minor overlap by 3 minute(s) on Day=8896: From May 09, 2024, 01:04:41 to 01:07:30   | ------> I slept at around 00:30
Minutes: 3                                                                          |
Minor overlap by 3 minute(s) on Day=8943: From Jun 25, 2024, 00:37:58 to 00:40:46   | ------> I slept at around 00:20
Minutes: 3


Learning timeline includes activities that may not be actual learning (e.g. browsing the collection). Closing and opening the collection is also included in the timeline. It seems like SuperMemo does not see a difference in closing a collection at soft shutdown. This should be harmless, but closing SuperMemo before going to sleep is rather recommended (also for data safety).