SuperMemo 15 Freeware

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SuperMemo 15 was released in 2011. It became freeware in 2016. It supports incremental reading. For full documentation see: SuperMemo 15 Help.


Download SuperMemo 15 for Windows here:

  • SuperMemo 15 (to use in Windows 10)(ver 15.5 of July 1, 2018)(see Problems with Windows 10 below)
  • SuperMemo 15 (ver 15.4 of Feb 23, 2013)(original, to use with Internet Explorer 6-10)(ZIP archive)

See also the downloads page:



If you have problems with SuperMemo 15, you may wish to match your version to your Windows and/or Internet Explorer.

You can best match the version to the date of your Windows installation. Newer SuperMemos may have minor problems in older Windows. Older SuperMemos may have problems in newer versions. It is important to match your Internet Explorer. Most importantly, Internet Explorer 11 in Windows 10 blocks edits in original SuperMemo 15 from 2013 (see details).

If you have any issues with Windows, Internet Explorer, or SuperMemo, come back to this page to consider older/newer versions/variants of the program. Please report problems via E-mail.

See also: Older freeware

Problems in Windows 10

Due to multiple changes in Windows 10, Internet Explorer 11, and YouTube API, some functionality of the original SuperMemo 15 has been crippled. For that reason, we needed to recompile the program in Nov 2017 and again in June 2018 with various bug fixes. If you are using older Windows, consider the original version from 2013. If you see any new problems in SuperMemo 15 in Windows 10, please report.

Major showstopper issues fixed in the new 2018 release (ver. 15.5 of Jul 1, 2018):

  • editing text was not possible
  • extracts and cloze deletions would copy entire pages (instead of extracting portions)
  • YouTube videos would not work (if you update your old collection, remember to delete yt.htm script (SuperMemo 15 will restore it)
  • Enter in text editing would be sent to the element window to continue learning

Major problems in the new 2018 release: