Problems with DropBox and Google Drive
From: Jinyang
Country: {{{Country}}}
Sent: Oct 6, 2016
Subject: Cannot reload HugeArray
SuperMemo displayed this error:
Cannot reload HugeArray from c:\users\liujin\google drive\memo\mymemo\info\Outstanding.sub File access denied Choose Abort to halt SuperMemo
This error means that SuperMemo cannot access an important file: outstanding.sub. This file keeps the list of outstanding elements. Without access to this file, you will not be able to use SuperMemo. \google drive\ in your file path indicates this might be a problem with Google Drive synchronization.
Please see those general suggestions:
For similar problems with DropBox see:
Once you diagnose the problem, please write back. We will use your experience to help others.
You can also send your collection for inspection to search for possible file damage due to file locks.
User followup
Thank you for your help. Yes, it caused by locked file in my Google Drive. I couldn't access those ptr files and sub files any more. After using unlock app to unlock/delete those files, I can use supermemo again.
It is not recommended to save those files in Google Drive or Dropbox in order to avoid such issue in the future, right?
Using DropBox and Google Drive
You can use DropBox and Google Drive as long as you make sure that your collection (the learning material files) is complete (i.e. all synchronization is finished).
Problems show up during synchronization. Either the collection is not fully synchronized (contradictory information), or the files are locked (possible loss of information).
How to Use DropBox
You can use DropBox though it is not necessarily officially supported. Just make sure you stop the DropBox service before starting SuperMemo, and restart it after closing SuperMemo. If it is running while SuperMemo has your collection open it can corrupt your collection. The same is probably true of the other services like Google Drive, iCloud, etc.
To automate this stop/start process you can use one of two solutions:
- SuperMemo-Dropbox Conflict Resolver AutoHotKey-based script that handles stopping and starting DropBox.
- SafeSuperMemo PowerShell script for Dropbox with automated backups does the same as DropBox Conflict Resolver but is not dependent on AutoHotKey, and automatically makes a file backup every time you run your collection.