Problem with importing web pages in Windows 11
Andrew Ch. wrote:
I keep getting range check errors when I try to import articles with Clt+Alt+A. I am using Windows 11 PC with 11th Gen i7 cpu and 32 GB RAM. I have used SuperMemo Assistant too but this was when running SuperMemo only. The version is 18.05. If I closed SM or restart my PC does not stop happens every time I try to import.
The downside this is giving me is that in the import window SM does not detect if the article is already in the collection or doubled so there is a danger of my adding a duplicate and there is also a blank setting for concept group and also priority (normally SM remembers the last import settings).
I have other collections which work fine and do not have this issue on the same computer.
Since the year 2000, SuperMemo relied on Internet Explorer for imports of web pages. Internet Explorer is absent from Windows 11. Possibly you will need to wait for the next version of SuperMemo.
However, the "Range check error" does not show up. Only the empty import dialog.