Pictures disappeared from my collection
A.M. wrote: I made a huge database of items. Each has an image with it. The images are in the database, but they do not load onto the screen when the item comes up for learning. I tried the Repair Collection option, but that did not work.
Virtually every single one of the 16,000+ items has an illustration. A picture. In none of them does the illustration show up.
Perhaps this is a template problem? Do you think you could upload your collection for a quick check?
Perhaps try Ctrl+Shift+U to see if the picture is available in the element source (under the template)?
Don't forget to backup before experimenting!
Uploading collections
A.M.: Is there any place I should upload it to? The file is far too large to upload via email
Upload methods
Perhaps this text helps?
A.M.: I uploaded the files to the Cloud. I went to the uploaded file and clicked "share". It gave me a dialog box that asked me for an email address to send the files to. I entered into that dialog box help2021(AT) I am assuming that you have received two files from some Google-related email address. One contains a filed called
Template problem
It appears you deleted the image component from your Item Picture template. As a result, 22,140 elements that should have a picture component, do not have it. All you need to do is to restore that component in the template as explained below.
- backup your collection
- go to any item that should have a picture
- choose Template : Detach template on the element menu (you should see your original item with the picture)
- save the template with Template : Save as template and use the name Item Picture (it must be the exactly that name to make sure your override the old incomplete template)
You should get a warning question:
Template Item Picture already exists Do you want to replace?
All your items that used Item Picture template and had a picture will now show the picture again.