Incremental reading (FAQs)

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  1. How do I start incremental reading?
  2. Incremental reading strategies
  3. Should I summarize books first?
  4. Dealing with material overload in medical school
  5. ABC of incremental reading for any user of spaced repetition
  6. Problem with the cloze feature and How to use cloze?
  7. How to tackle long stories with incremental reading?
  8. Why so many clozes in incremental reading?
  9. Difficult start with incremental reading
  10. How to tackle sets with incremental reading?
  11. Incremental Comprehension in Incremental Reading
  12. Is there a penalty for a serious neglect of topics?
  13. Error: You cannot execute cloze deletion on items


  1. Does incremental reading make you smarter?
  2. Incremental reading helps build consistent models of reality
  3. Incremental reading in learning complex subjects
  4. Deep thinking in incremental reading
  5. Optimization of thinking with SuperMemo
  6. How can I use concepts and neural creativity?


  1. Which is better: clozes or Q&A?
  2. How to split material in incremental reading
  3. Incremental reading biases the stance on punctuation
  4. Expanding on an idea
  5. Do I need deep processing when creating cloze?


  1. Why do I need to see topics converted to clozes?
  2. Random review for a branch
  3. Employing sounds in incremental reading
  4. Can I memorize with incremental reading technique?
  5. How to deal with topics I have no time for?
  6. How to set the date when making an extract?
  7. Autopostpone helps you stick with spaced repetition in conditions of overload
  8. When should we integrate collections?
  9. How do I undo cloze deletion?
  10. Reviewing topics daily
  11. Learning neuroscience

Knowledge material

  1. Wikipedia is better than Britannica!!!
  2. Dismembering complex topics before or after learning the structure of knowledge
  3. Wikipedia split stopped working
  4. How do I digest Medical Biology collection?
  5. How to read PDF files incrementally
  6. I have lots of notes from paper journals
  7. How can I master video editing with SuperMemo?


  1. Very long cloze intervals
  2. Scholarly articles on incrementally spaced repetition

Web import

  1. I cannot import automatically from the web


  1. How can I substitute a new picture in the entire collection?
  2. How can I process a composite picture?
  3. How can I reuse a picture from one collection in another collection?
  4. Minimum picture size refers to pictures after compression


  1. What is incremental video?
  2. Incremental brain zapping
  3. Is incremental video more effective than incremental reading?


  1. Too many elements in a priority range
  2. Advancing duplicate articles and their extracts


  1. You can edit references
  2. How to ignore references in search?


  1. Minimum definition of incremental reading
  2. Simple way to clean imported texts of adverting
  3. Converting items to plain text
  4. Working with footnotes
  5. SuperMemo HTML Components and IE
  6. How to get rid of cloze word highlights?
  7. Ugly font in cloze deletions
  8. Dismember pollutes the search
  9. Can changes in topics be reflected in items?
  10. I cannot paste a text from a website
  11. Using SuperMemo with FrontPage
  12. Some websites cannot be imported
  13. Many of my pictures disappered overnight!
  14. Error backtracking web pages
  15. Using Fonts with texts pasted from PDF
  16. Bullets in HTML


  1. What is the optimum strategy for incremental e-mail?
  2. Sent-mail marker stamped on the wrong line

More FAQs

  1. Older incremental reading FAQs
  2. FAQ
  3. More FAQs