I lost my tasklist

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I had some problems with my computer and SuperMemo started showing errors about one tasklist. I did Repair collection and got many errors like this:

  ++++++++++++++++++++++    ERROR #6   ++++++++++++++++++++++
  Dismissing taskless element
  Task #10,328: blue jeans
  Tasklist #1: Tasks
  TaskNo #23:

The tasklist is completely gone! Is there a way to transfer it from the backup?


This is a known bug (already fixed) in which SuperMemo uses a wrong strategy for handling errors in tasklist data. You can probably transfer a tasklist from a backup using Transfer elements (assuming the backup is not affected by file integrity issues).

However, if your backup is old, you can still get your tasks back assuming there are no other integrity data beyond what you report.

Follow these steps to recover the task:

  1. go to the dismissed task (here Task #10,328)
  2. choose Memorize (Ctrl+M)
  3. (optionally) remove dismiss and memorize operations from repetition history (if you care about the details of processing the task)
  4. change the type from Topic to Task (Ctrl+Shift+P) (make sure the default tasklist is the one you want to use, "Tasks" in your case)
  5. set tasks value and time cost to position it on the tasklist