I cannot upgrade my collection for learning Polish

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From: Manfred
Country: Germany
Sent: Nov 9, 2012
Subject: SuperMemo error: Reference registry access error!


I have problems with upgrading Basic Polish to SuperMemo 15. I receive many errors such as:

Reference registry access error!  Accessing registry member that does not exist

Cannot write the optimization record
I/O error 32

Error updating repetition history
I/O error 32

In addition my Polish font no longer works. I get some strange characters that I cannot convert to Polish.


This is what you need to do:

  • read Some_applications_lock_SuperMemo_files_and_cause_errors. Error I/O 32 tells you that SuperMemo cannot read or write to files due to interference from other applications. If you do not prevent this interference, you may ultimately lose data. Most frequent offenders include anti-virus programs that you need to instruct to skip SuperMemo files (at least at the time when you are learning)
  • ignore Reference registry access error (this error shows if you skip a few generations of SuperMemo in the upgrade process). For details see: Reference_error_when_upgrading_from_SuperMemo_2004
  • use the relevant code page in the upgrade process (here Central European 1250). Do not just use the default English upgrade. The code page is needed to convert Polish font encoding to Unicode.


Manfred wrote:

The problem, in my case, is a backup program called "WD Smartware", which is distributed with external harddrives by WD. It is supposed to run at a low priority, but actually runs at "normal" priority and interferes with many other programs. The only difference is: Your program produced and error report, other programs are "silently" delayed by the WD program. I decided to turn the backup off when I work.