I/O error 1224
What is the meaning of this error?
SuperMemo Report Activity: Importing from d:\MY SUPERMEMO\BBG\temp\transfer.txt Collection: d:\MY SUPERMEMO\Jiri Date: 04 December 2010, 15:22:15 SuperMemo 2008 (Build 14.05, Sep 2, 2010) Collecting elements Warning! Target collection contains memorized items. This will result in the first day of learning discrepancy ++++++++++++++++++++++ ERROR #1 ++++++++++++++++++++++ Cannot swap HugeArray memory to disk d:\MY SUPERMEMO\Jiri\info\priority.sub I/O error 1224 Creating components Process completed at 15:27:11 in 00:04:56 sec (04 December 2010) ONE ERROR (Importing from d:\MY SUPERMEMO\BBG\temp\transfer.txt)
Some other application is trying to access and lock SuperMemo files during the data transfer. In this case, the priority queue file was locked and could not be accessed by SuperMemo. This probably implies that the target collection will be damaged. Unless it is the priority of a single element missing, you may need to revert to your backup.
You also need to urgently check your anti-virus (esp. AVG anti-virus or Threatfire) and indexing software for options that would prevent locking SuperMemo files during use.
For details see: Some_application_lock_SuperMemo_files_and_cause_errors
The other process had the file open using the file mapping (shared memory) Windows APIs thus making it inaccessible to SuperMemo. If you manage to reproduce the problem, you can find this process using Process Explorer. Use Find : Find handle or DLL... command. See: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896653.aspx
Once you solve the problem, please post your update on this page.