How to replace image component?
CHRIS: I just upgraded to SM 2004 from SM 98 on Windows and am having some problems in editing my elements. All I want to do is paste over an image in an element to replace it with a new one -- however, there are two image components in the element, one above the other, and no matter where I click or what I select before pasting it is always the upper image which gets replaced (I want to replace the lower one). I wasn't having this problem in SuperMemo 98.
Follow - up: Ok, I found if I cut the existing image first I can paste in the new one. Is this a bug then or was I simply doing something wrong?
There is a bug in SM2004. If you execute Paste with an image in the clipboard, it will look for the first image component available (without checking if the currently selected component is an image). If you reshuffle the components (e.g. with Ctrl+Shift+O) you will see that SM will get stuck to another image ... again the one on top of the list :(