Can't Alt+X a long article

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From: 83.243.xx.x
Country: {{{Country}}}
Sent: Apr 17, 2014
Subject: Can't use Alt+X in a long article


I've been testing Supermemo 16 with a fairly long text. I've managed to divide it into a series of shorter articles to later read them in detail, extract, etc. When I was Alt+Xing a pretty long article (1.168.559 characters incl. spaces) I realised that at some point extraction didn't work at all. I also tried to select a portion of the text and use the icon which should have the same effect as Alt+X, but it didn't work either. Any ideas?

I've managed to solve the problem by cutting a portion of the text and creating a new article and then Alt+X worked fine. Still, it doesn't solve the issue.


If you have any problems with texts (short or long), try the following:

  • use filter (F6) to remove garbage from texts
  • use Ctrl+F8 to delete unnecessary pictures (e.g. micro-icons that some authors add by a dozen)
  • use Split in the Commander to split the article in smaller portions (you can insert split marks with Shift+Alt+H if the article has no original splittable structure
  • use Alt+\ to delete the process text before the cursor (headers often contain troublesome HTML that instantly solves the problem once removed)