Some applications lock SuperMemo files and cause errors

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SuperMemo uses a number of files in its collections. Only KNO and Plan files are locked (to prevent errors caused by possible multi-access). Some third party applications may interfere with the function of SuperMemo by locking its files (e.g. during virus checks, search indexing, etc.)

The following applications may cause problems with SuperMemo due to locking SuperMemo files:

Some errors listed in this page may also occasionally occur as a result of file lock due to a system crash, application crash, or simply a crash of SuperMemo itself.


Multiple errors in SuperMemo for Windows after installing the applications that run concurrently with SuperMemo and try to read from its files.

(Partial) Error list:

  • Error accessing file: C:\SM2004\SYSTEMS\TOMEK-3200\registry\text.mem
  • Cannot open registry files Registry=C:\SM2004\SYSTEMS\TOMEK-3200\elements\27\271
  • Cannot swap HugeArray memory to disk D:\SM2006\SYSTEMS\ABC\info\priority.sub I/O error 1224 (see also: I/O_error_1224)
  • Error reading file: d:\sm2004\systems\English\elements\7.HTM
  • Error scanning registry redirections
  • Cannot verify registry member status at position 8590
  • Cannot open file: d:\sm2004\systems\English\info\workload.dat
  • Cannot remove member user 252346 from position 354032
  • Cannot open elinfo.dat
  • Cannot reload HugeArray
  • Changing interval from: 0, To: 6566 days
  • I/O error 103 (see also: I/O error 103)
  • I/O error 32
  • (possibly) I/O error 131
  • (possibly, one report): Error setting HTML text
  • (possibly): Cannot read data for element #0

Also possible errors at File : Repair collection with possible data loss:

  • Error extracting RTF file D:\SM2004\SYSTEMS\ERIC\registry\text.rtf
  • File locked: D:\SM2004\SYSTEMS\ERIC\temp\temp.rtf
  • I/O error 32


Applications lock files while reading their content. For example, MSN Desktop locks files during indexing. Despite its claims of being active only when the computer is idle, it is possible for SuperMemo to hit a file that is currently being indexed (e.g. when pausing to answer a question after a minor edit to the question that triggers reindexing).


  1. for Windows Defender information see this article
  2. exclude the folder with SuperMemo collections from the scanned folders list (Desktop Search Options : Custom folders and e-mail locations : Browse); this folder could be added to the indexed folder list from time to time to include SuperMemo files in the index
  3. exclude vital collection extension from the scanned file list (esp. *.RTX, *.MEM, *.PTR, *.LST)
  4. for older SuperMemos in Windows Vista see: Will_SuperMemo_work_in_Windows_Vista?
  5. choose Indexing Status : Snooze for the period of working with SuperMemo (e.g. with MSN Desktop icon on the Windows taskbar)
  6. add extensions used by SuperMemo to exclusion list (esp. .dat, .sub, .mem, .lst, .ptr, .reg, .rtx extensions); this will however not solve the problem of conflict between SuperMemo and MSN Desktop when editing HTML and RTF files (esp. RTF lock is dangerous as it locks the access to text.rtf file that keeps all rtf texts)
  7. use an alternative desktop search application that does not interfere with files that are currently being worked on (e.g. Google Desktop); more options:
  8. Disable background file sync services while SM is running. Don't forget to restart them!
  9. do not synchronize collections while in use
  10. do not use collections while copying or renaming their files

See also

  1. Problems with DropBox and Google Drive
  2. I/O_error_1224
  3. Whole collection got messed up because of an I/O error
  4. Error writing to file
  5. Backup creates empty folders