- Comparison of Anki vs. SuperMemo
- Why isn't SuperMemo more popular?
- Concerns about the future of SuperMemo
- Is SuperMemo better than VTrain?
- Is SuperMemo Super?
- Incremental reading was either not born or is already dead
- SuperMemo makes false claims about the speed of learning
- SuperMemo is Useless
- Incremental reading makes you dumber
- Incremental reading may hamper learning complex subjects
- Can I trust Dr Wozniak as a scientist?
- I do not trust Dr Woz the self-certified neuroscientist
- Harm of incremental reading
- You are peddling BS
- Author of SuperMemo is verifiably mad
- SuperMemo Guru is a low-IQ pseudoscientific blog
- SuperMemo Guru starts sounding like a cult
- Incremental reading is useless
- Incremental reading is overrated
- No force in the world will make me use SuperMemo
- Your 20 myths of memory speak of your arrogance!
- You are spreading false claims
- A vote against spaced repetition
- Research contradicting SuperMemo
- SuperMemo World is a pessimistic company
- Limited value and use of SuperMemo
- The algorithm does not work! Unethical!
- Dishonesty by a scientist completely ruins credibility
- SuperMemo may be harmful when studying hard sciences
- Make SuperMemo simple
- Why so complex? What for the secondary storage?
- Inaccurate data in your childhood amnesia article
- Review of SuperMemo at "200 flashcard applications"
- I will have to start a legal action for libel
- Criticism of SuperMemo at
- Criticism of SuperMemo on
- SuperMemo is fundamentally broken
- Incremental reading seems useful for users with reading difficulties
- SuperMemo frustrates me to hell!
- SleepChart makes SuperMemo worse than Anki
- SuperMemo's bad marketing
- Incremental video overhyped
- Your article about ADHD is outrageously wrong and should be deleted
- Your ignorance of ADHD is dangerous
- Grandmother cell theory is as naive as the Bohr's model of the atom
- Why do you make SuperMemo look like an Easter Egg?
- Why don't you employ more beta-testers?
- Why do you sell products for children why claiming they do not work for children?
- Your texts provide a false promise of the marvelous self-regulating brain!
- Dr Justin Sung says Dr Wozniak is wrong
- Why I switched from Anki to SuperMemo
- Incremental reading in college
- I love Supermemo for general reading
- 9 years with Supermemo
- How I got a job in #1 software company
- SuperMemo for Palm Accolades
- User comments from November 1999
- Praise of SuperMemo by a vocabulary learning enthusiast
Suggestions for future versions
See: Suggestions
User experience
- My experience with SuperMemo
- Resolving SuperMemo frustrations
- The experience of using supermemo for 2 years
YouTube videos
- Discord Channel (registration required)
- Independent user forum (registration required, not open)