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Revision as of 12:06, 28 November 2024 by Derrick Z (talk | contribs) (New Questions)
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To find answers to questions about SuperMemo try the following:

  1. use Help:Web option in SuperMemo
  2. use search box at https://www.super-memory.com
  3. see FAQs below
  4. use Ctrl+F3 search in SuperMemo
  5. search Google for <keyword>+SuperMemo
  6. see Q&A at SuperMemo Guru
  7. if you do not find an answer, add your question to FAQ section
  8. if you prefer to send e-mail, use E-mail


  1. ABC of SuperMemo
  2. Learning
  3. Incremental reading
  4. Formulating knowledge
  5. Video tutorials
  6. Advanced English
  7. Memory, sleep, creativity, etc
  8. The Algorithm
  9. Plan
  10. Future of SuperMemo
  11. Artificial intelligence
  12. Advanced questions
  13. Shopping
  14. Installation
  15. Registration
  16. Problems, Errors and Bugs
  17. Documentation
  18. Licensing SuperMemo Algorithm
  19. Import, Export and Data formats
  20. FAQ Archive

Most often asked questions about most often asked questions

  1. Why don't you answer my e-mails?
  2. I sent my registration but did not get the unlock password
  3. Why don't I get an answer to a question posted at SuperMemopedia
  4. Will I receive e-mail notification?
  5. Why I get support but do not get my password?
  6. I have been waiting for 2 weeks for my answer to be posted at this site
  7. You forgot to paste the answer
  8. How do I post a follow-up to the answer that does not fully answer my question
  9. Password for wiki editing stopped working

FAQ Archive

  1. FAQ Archive (1996-2013)
  2. FAQ Archive (1997-2018)

New Questions

  1. In SuperMemo 19 I clicked F9 and I got "Error! Windows system error
  2. SuperMemo error: Executing operations beyond the activity range
  3. Will using a sleep mask hinder free-running sleep?
  4. SafeSuperMemo PowerShell script for Dropbox with automated backups
  5. How can I use Supermemo for non-technical books?
  6. Can images be edited outside of SuperMemo without issue?
  7. Is there any harm to nesting categories?
  8. What are the YouTube API changes that threaten incremental video in all versions of SuperMemo?
  9. Importing Wikipedia articles containing math
  10. Keyboard shortcuts for subscript and superscript?
  11. Keyboard shortcut to find images by name in registry?
  12. How to postpone elements into a time window?
  13. How to best learn synonyms in a foreign language?
  14. How to best prepare for differential diagnosis with SM?
  15. Various questions about general supermemo operation
  16. How to join beta-testing of the new version?
  17. Memorizing 10K+ pages
  18. How to go from Cloze Deletions, Items and Topics to a Q&A template?
  19. Invalid outstanding elements in collection
  20. How to bring back cloze word highlights
  21. Will deleting items hurt SM repetition scheduling
  22. Combining two collections and learning data
  23. Incremental reading: turning cloze statements into questions
  24. Wikipedia pages are slow to load
  25. Problems with move to category
  26. Problems with pasting images
  27. Getting sleep by just closing eyes
  28. How to learn elements in a specific sequence?
  29. Problems with the folder structure in the elements folder
  30. What burden parameter really means?
  31. Wrong collection opens at restart
  32. Is large number of outstanding items require specific action?
  33. Why does Duplicate create a child?
  34. Element window size change sometimes alter components size and sometimes not.
  35. Additional text characters after pressing alt a
  36. How to propagate references after an articles has already been processed (extracts or clozes)
  37. Nothing more to learn, but there are still outstanding elements.
  38. I keep getting Nothing more to learn while Workload shows outstanding items
  39. SuperMemo error: The device name is already used as an alias for this application. Use a unique alias.
  40. Priority bias in Alertness (H)
  41. Pasting images into an HTML component does not always work
  42. Is there a limit to the amount of text you can put in one topic?
  43. Problem memorizing freshly imported items
  44. SuperMemo and Medical School
  45. Media junkies vs SuperMemo
  46. Copy collection vs Quick backup
  47. How do breaks in learning affect the repetition schedule and priority queue in SuperMemo?
  48. Switching my learning process to SuperMemo
  49. What extension can be imported with files and folders import?
  50. How to select many elements in the browser?
  51. Reference problem when editing items
  52. Wrong value in the first grade graph
  53. Problems after deleting a background image
  54. After impose template, font change still affects many elements
  55. How to transfer my notes to iPad?
  56. How do I convert a group of items into tasks?
  57. Version compatibility
  58. Can I use incremental listening on MP3 files?
  59. What is the difference between "local pages (elements hold whole web pages)" and "local pages with local images" in Wikipedia import?
  60. Strange behavior in occlusion test
  61. Cloze deletions in nested extracts
  62. Wrong data in Workload
  63. Item title editing inconsistency?
  64. Converting a branch into category does not convert all descendants
  65. What is the best encoding for saving a Q&A text file when editing it in Notepad2?
  66. Newly made questions are going straight to final drill without giving me the chance to rate their recall? confused
  67. When I add new items they are immediately memorized
  68. Is there any possible way to automatically import all the wikipedia articles of a given language into Supermemo at once?
  69. Duplicates show immediately after originals
  70. What do you suggest writing in the title bar for extracts of extracts converted to cloze deletions?
  71. Mature learning after long absence in SM 17
  72. How does subset review affect outstanding queue?
  73. Artificial Intelligence Teacher/Tutoring - thoughts?
  74. Is it the end of SuperMemo development?
  75. OS-agnostic and re-worked SuperMemo?
  76. Details about the comparison between SM-17 and SM-2
  77. How to delete images after done a topic without using Delete unused?
  78. Why hasn't the recall changed after adjusting the Forget Index?
  79. Why does the average recall differ between the Daily and Monthly panels in the workload calendar?
  80. BUG: SM19 Part of sceen is not updated
  81. Does anyone else here use Git to synchronize collections between Windows 11 computers with SM19?
  82. Scrolling problem in incremental reading
  83. SM-19: Multiple errors after a long break
  84. Always randomize final drill doesn't work

New questions (dynamic list)


 |category = FAQ
 |format = ,\n* *,,
 |ordermethod = categoryadd
 |order = descending
 |count = 5
