To find answers to questions about SuperMemo try the following:
- use Help:Web option in SuperMemo
- use search box at https://www.super-memory.com
- see FAQs below
- use Ctrl+F3 search in SuperMemo
- search Google for <keyword>+SuperMemo
- see Q&A at SuperMemo Guru
- if you do not find an answer, add your question to FAQ section
- if you prefer to send e-mail, use E-mail
- ABC of SuperMemo
- Learning
- Incremental reading
- Formulating knowledge
- Video tutorials
- Advanced English
- Memory, sleep, creativity, etc
- The Algorithm
- Plan
- Future of SuperMemo
- Artificial intelligence
- Advanced questions
- Shopping
- Installation
- Registration
- Problems, Errors and Bugs
- Documentation
- Licensing SuperMemo Algorithm
- Import, Export and Data formats
- FAQ Archive
Most often asked questions about most often asked questions
- Why don't you answer my e-mails?
- I sent my registration but did not get the unlock password
- Why don't I get an answer to a question posted at SuperMemopedia
- Will I receive e-mail notification?
- Why I get support but do not get my password?
- I have been waiting for 2 weeks for my answer to be posted at this site
- You forgot to paste the answer
- How do I post a follow-up to the answer that does not fully answer my question
- Password for wiki editing stopped working
FAQ Archive
- FAQ Archive (1996-2013)
- FAQ Archive (1997-2018)
New Questions
- In SuperMemo 19 I clicked F9 and I got "Error! Windows system error
- SuperMemo error: Executing operations beyond the activity range
- Will using a sleep mask hinder free-running sleep?
- SafeSuperMemo PowerShell script for Dropbox with automated backups
- How can I use Supermemo for non-technical books?
- Can images be edited outside of SuperMemo without issue?
- Is there any harm to nesting categories?
- What are the YouTube API changes that threaten incremental video in all versions of SuperMemo?
- Importing Wikipedia articles containing math
- Keyboard shortcuts for subscript and superscript?
- Keyboard shortcut to find images by name in registry?
- How to postpone elements into a time window?
- How to best learn synonyms in a foreign language?
- How to best prepare for differential diagnosis with SM?
- Various questions about general supermemo operation
- How to join beta-testing of the new version?
- Memorizing 10K+ pages
- How to go from Cloze Deletions, Items and Topics to a Q&A template?
- Invalid outstanding elements in collection
- How to bring back cloze word highlights
- Will deleting items hurt SM repetition scheduling
- Combining two collections and learning data
- Incremental reading: turning cloze statements into questions
- Wikipedia pages are slow to load
- Problems with move to category
- Problems with pasting images
- Getting sleep by just closing eyes
- How to learn elements in a specific sequence?
- Problems with the folder structure in the elements folder
- What burden parameter really means?
- Wrong collection opens at restart
- Is large number of outstanding items require specific action?
- Why does Duplicate create a child?
- Element window size change sometimes alter components size and sometimes not.
- Additional text characters after pressing alt a
- How to propagate references after an articles has already been processed (extracts or clozes)
- Nothing more to learn, but there are still outstanding elements.
- I keep getting Nothing more to learn while Workload shows outstanding items
- SuperMemo error: The device name is already used as an alias for this application. Use a unique alias.
- Priority bias in Alertness (H)
- Pasting images into an HTML component does not always work
- Is there a limit to the amount of text you can put in one topic?
- Problem memorizing freshly imported items
- SuperMemo and Medical School
- Media junkies vs SuperMemo
- Copy collection vs Quick backup
- How do breaks in learning affect the repetition schedule and priority queue in SuperMemo?
- Switching my learning process to SuperMemo
- What extension can be imported with files and folders import?
- How to select many elements in the browser?
- Reference problem when editing items
- Wrong value in the first grade graph
- Problems after deleting a background image
- After impose template, font change still affects many elements
- How to transfer my notes to iPad?
- How do I convert a group of items into tasks?
- Version compatibility
- Can I use incremental listening on MP3 files?
- What is the difference between "local pages (elements hold whole web pages)" and "local pages with local images" in Wikipedia import?
- Strange behavior in occlusion test
- Cloze deletions in nested extracts
- Wrong data in Workload
- Item title editing inconsistency?
- Converting a branch into category does not convert all descendants
- What is the best encoding for saving a Q&A text file when editing it in Notepad2?
- Newly made questions are going straight to final drill without giving me the chance to rate their recall? confused
- When I add new items they are immediately memorized
- Is there any possible way to automatically import all the wikipedia articles of a given language into Supermemo at once?
- Duplicates show immediately after originals
- What do you suggest writing in the title bar for extracts of extracts converted to cloze deletions?
- Mature learning after long absence in SM 17
- How does subset review affect outstanding queue?
- Artificial Intelligence Teacher/Tutoring - thoughts?
- Is it the end of SuperMemo development?
- OS-agnostic and re-worked SuperMemo?
- Details about the comparison between SM-17 and SM-2
- How to delete images after done a topic without using Delete unused?
- Why hasn't the recall changed after adjusting the Forget Index?
- Why does the average recall differ between the Daily and Monthly panels in the workload calendar?
- BUG: SM19 Part of sceen is not updated
- Does anyone else here use Git to synchronize collections between Windows 11 computers with SM19?
- Scrolling problem in incremental reading
- SM-19: Multiple errors after a long break
- Always randomize final drill doesn't work
New questions (dynamic list)
|category = FAQ |format = ,\n* *,, |ordermethod = categoryadd |order = descending |count = 5