Bugs fixed in SuperMemo 19
Bugs fixed in SuperMemo 19:
- articles are listed ahead of pictures while inspecting duplicates in web import
- Ancestors window would allow only 63 levels
- HTML translations would not work with Ctrl+click
- translations on mouse move would not work in HTML components
- transcriptions on mouse move would not work in HTML components
- YouTube forwards used insecure protocol
- Facebook IDs would obscure duplicate detection
- Google Ad IDs would obscure duplicate detection
- wrong leap year date conversion in statistics
- script errors in YouTube incremental video
- script errors when navigating to external sites
- image download dialog box might hide behind the element window
- search and replace might trip on some diacritical characters
- search and replace might trip on angle brackets
- safer Wikipedia filtering with
- annoying data comparison at collection merge "Which repetition history data is more accurate?"
- loss of the main tasklist file would change tasks to topics and dismiss them, which made tasklist loss invisible (until first use)
- creating concepts at web imports would lock concept files (possible loss of the concept)
- wrong recall displayed in monthly workload (19.03)